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Redland Green School

Ashton Park Year 11 celebrate their Success

Ashton Park’s Year 11 students are justly celebrating their results.  The long awaited rewards for all their hard work and mature approach to their studies are theirs today.  The past 2 years of school have presented new challenges, opportunities and the foundations to move onto those all important next steps into Education, employment or training.  There were many happy faces and relief now the wait is over. They vast majority of Ashton Park’s students achieved the results they required to realise their plans for the future.

Headteacher Nick John, acknowledged the commitment, hard work and dedication of all pupils at all levels, saying: “This year has presented many unforeseen challenges for pupils, parents and carers and staff and I am proud that as a community we have been able to support our young people to achieve and succeed. I’d like to thank our Year 11 for their contribution and hard work over the past 5 years. What’s important is that with these results our students can confidently move forward onto their next stage equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive.”

We are proud of every single one of them, it’s always a pleasure to see our pupils engage so diligently and embark on their next stages.  Don’t forget there is still time to find out more and apply for Ashton Sixth, where our quality offer and expert guidance has something for every student. Find out more here: 