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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Redland Green School


In November 2022, Ashton Park School and Sixth Form was inspected by Ofsted and we are delighted that the inspectors judged Ashton Park School and Sixth Form to be a ‘Good School’. 


The inspectors particularly recognised the work that staff have been doing on

developing all areas of the curriculum as well as providing exciting opportunities for our students to learn. As a team we are delighted that our hard work has been recognised. Inspectors said “Students are happy to attend Ashton Park School… and appreciate the ways in which they can develop their talents and interests. The many clubs, including sports, art, drama and music, are well attended”.


They praised that “Leaders have adjusted the curriculum in light of gaps that have arisen as a result of the pandemic. For example, food technology is more focused on practical elements and personal, social and health education (PSHE) has more curriculum time. This is in line with the school’s commitment to ensuring that pupils leave Ashton Park ready for their next stages in life.”


The school received a Good grade in every aspect of its work,


Overall effectiveness Good 

The quality of education Good 

Behaviour and attitudes Good 

Personal development Good 

Leadership and management Good 

Sixth-form provision Good


We are very proud of each and every one of our students and the inspectors remarked

how “Students take pride in their work and are keen to do well” - a true reflection of our wonderful school values: Respect, Determination, and Community


As a school we are committed to continuing to improve our SEND provision within our Resource Base and in the whole school. We are further working to ensure that teaching learning helps students  to recall what they already know so that they can build on prior knowledge. 


Click here to read our latest Ofsted report